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 New Jersey Press

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Dg New Jersey
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Dg New Jersey

Dg New Jersey

Messages : 297
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2010
Age : 35

New Jersey Press Empty
MessageSujet: New Jersey Press   New Jersey Press I_icon_minitimeDim 7 Fév - 18:04

New Jersey Press

New Jersey Press Ilya-kovalchuk-devils-debut-4c5015598550731b_large

Kovy arrive avec new jersey apres la dernier minute .Kovy est exciter de jouer son premier game avec nous.Notre but pour cette season on va ajouter la deff pi on pence on a un bon equip pour aller au fin serie.
New Jersey Press 610x
New Jersey annonce son coach pour le 3 prochain ans. Mike Babcock!!!!!
On est tres content de l avoir avec New jersey
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Messages : 243
Date d'inscription : 04/02/2010

New Jersey Press Empty
MessageSujet: Re: New Jersey Press   New Jersey Press I_icon_minitimeDim 7 Fév - 18:18

Je ne sais pas si j'ai le droit de poster ici, si j'ai pas le droit juste transferer mon message ailleurs. Je ne veux pas être méchant et c'est peut-être moi qui en demande un peu trop mais on parle ici d'un journal pas d'un chat sur msn. Vous pourriez au moins vous donner un peu la peine d'écrire des phrases correctes et lisibles. Les fautes de francais personnellement moi sa m'importe peu mais pour le reste ...

Kovalchuk arrive avec New Jersey à la dernier minute. Kovy est excité de jouer son premier match avec nous. Notre but pour cette season, on va se concentrer sur la défensive et on pense qu'on a une bonne equipe pour aller jusqu'en série

New Jersey annonce l'embauche de son coach pour les 3 prochaines années. Mike Babcock!!!!!
On est très content de l'avoir avec New Jersey

C'est un point que je soulève j'aimerais avoir l'avis des autres DG sur le sujet.
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Dg New Jersey

Dg New Jersey

Messages : 297
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2010
Age : 35

New Jersey Press Empty
MessageSujet: Re: New Jersey Press   New Jersey Press I_icon_minitimeDim 7 Fév - 18:45

toi tes tu le prez ici ? moi si je ecrit on anglais je pe fair des txt plus lon mais c pas a toi de juge mais txt la. pi je parle pas bien on francais alors c ou je ecrite ou tu ferm la.
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Messages : 38
Date d'inscription : 05/02/2010

New Jersey Press Empty
MessageSujet: question   New Jersey Press I_icon_minitimeDim 7 Fév - 22:17

Comment ont fait pour poster des photos dans nos texte comme Jersey a faite
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Messages : 243
Date d'inscription : 04/02/2010

New Jersey Press Empty
MessageSujet: Re: New Jersey Press   New Jersey Press I_icon_minitimeDim 7 Fév - 22:51

En dessous d'italique il y a une icone IMAGE tu clique dessu sa va te faire apparaître des balises. Tu met l'adresse de l'image et elle va apparaître.
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Messages : 38
Date d'inscription : 05/02/2010

New Jersey Press Empty
MessageSujet: Re: New Jersey Press   New Jersey Press I_icon_minitimeLun 8 Fév - 0:01

New Jersey Press 240003
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VP Kings Scharek
VP Kings Scharek

Messages : 317
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2010
Age : 43
Localisation : Los Angeles, CA

New Jersey Press Empty
MessageSujet: Re: New Jersey Press   New Jersey Press I_icon_minitimeLun 8 Fév - 10:58

Je crois que si le gars est francais, anglais ou japonnais,
on devrat etre reconnaissant quil mettent des efforts
pour se faire comprendre et tente de s'adapter..
Le gars a le droit de parler dans la langue de son choix
lorsque il rencontre les journaliste de son organisation.
S'il aurais été DG montreal l aurait subi les foudres des
journaliste et de plus, le gars parle mieu francais que
Saku Koivu et Trevor Timmns. Moi en autaut que le
gars se fassent comprendre, est actif et s'amuse
c'est la priority de la MHL. le jour on son francais
gachera votre plaisir on reevaluera la situation.
le journal de lequipe ses comme le journal intime.

vito: tu peux ecrire tes journal en anglais.
les demand alleurs sur le forum devra etre en francais
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Messages : 243
Date d'inscription : 04/02/2010

New Jersey Press Empty
MessageSujet: Re: New Jersey Press   New Jersey Press I_icon_minitimeLun 8 Fév - 11:04

Je savais juste pas qu'il était anglophone ... dans ce cas c'est compréhensible ...

Mais l'histoire c'est qu'il y a des francophones qui ne se donne pas le minimum de peine pour écrire quelque chose de lisible
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Messages : 496
Date d'inscription : 28/01/2010
Age : 34

New Jersey Press Empty
MessageSujet: Re: New Jersey Press   New Jersey Press I_icon_minitimeLun 8 Fév - 11:36

Tout a fait d'accord avec toi. Pour les Francophone il serais plaisant que dans vos article de journaux soit bien lisible. Pour les anglophone , il serais vraiment plaisant de vous voir ecrire en anglais vos journaux pour mettre un peu de réalisme!! Razz
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VP Kings Scharek
VP Kings Scharek

Messages : 317
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2010
Age : 43
Localisation : Los Angeles, CA

New Jersey Press Empty
MessageSujet: Re: New Jersey Press   New Jersey Press I_icon_minitimeLun 8 Fév - 12:11

a quand le premier DG russe ??

PS: si quelqun connat un DG russe envoyer moi un mp, jvais meme le payer
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Messages : 496
Date d'inscription : 28/01/2010
Age : 34

New Jersey Press Empty
MessageSujet: Re: New Jersey Press   New Jersey Press I_icon_minitimeLun 8 Fév - 12:24

Haha ca serais nice en sale!!!
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Messages : 243
Date d'inscription : 04/02/2010

New Jersey Press Empty
MessageSujet: Re: New Jersey Press   New Jersey Press I_icon_minitimeLun 8 Fév - 12:25

Le payer Razz Combien du donne ma suivre des cours de Russes s'il le faut
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DG SharksAttack

DG SharksAttack

Messages : 55
Date d'inscription : 04/02/2010

New Jersey Press Empty
MessageSujet: Re: New Jersey Press   New Jersey Press I_icon_minitimeLun 8 Fév - 19:23

il y a un professeur parmi nous ?
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Dg New Jersey

Dg New Jersey

Messages : 297
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2010
Age : 35

New Jersey Press Empty
MessageSujet: Re: New Jersey Press   New Jersey Press I_icon_minitimeLun 8 Fév - 19:32

lol c correct pi je savais pas je p-e parler anglAIS MERCI PREZ
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Dg New Jersey

Dg New Jersey

Messages : 297
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2010
Age : 35

New Jersey Press Empty
MessageSujet: Re: New Jersey Press   New Jersey Press I_icon_minitimeDim 14 Fév - 4:15

New jersey Press

Big Trade comeing out 2 min ago on tsn rumeurs Broadeur to Mtl for pk suban price , LEBLANC,1st pik.
New Jersey Press HejdukFace_medium

During the past couple of day we been active on the trade bloke trading jamie langunbrunner to colorado in return for Heduk.It was in best intrest to find a second rw in the scoring department instead of the defencive department.We think this move add talent to are team .He will start in his first game as a devil tomorow.The fans cant wait to see how he plays along side parise.

New Jersey Press Xax31New Jersey Press PC_070623subban-pk_nNew Jersey Press Nhl_g_leblanc1_sw_400

Tonight Big trade!!!We didnt have the thinking of trading marty this year cause of his leadership and his great records around the ligue.He was are franchise goaltender and will be remebered.Marty was 37 years old and when the right deal came we took it without waiting.We recive a great young goaltender Carey Price who is the new futur of are organization along with P.k Subban who is young d-man along with talent skill offensive def,with prospect louis leblanc and 1st round draft pik.So when looking at this we walk out happy in these 2 deals we got good young talent thats what we where missing in are club.SO we are very pleased to have Price Dress for his first game in practice tomorrow.
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Dg New Jersey

Dg New Jersey

Messages : 297
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2010
Age : 35

New Jersey Press Empty
MessageSujet: Re: New Jersey Press   New Jersey Press I_icon_minitimeDim 14 Fév - 13:23

New Jersey Press

New Jersey Press 08226181914_wgrzcampbell_2New Jersey Press Patrick+Sharp_a

Rds report's Milan Hejduk wanted out of New Jersey before his first game .He ask for a trade back to the west.Seem like Milan Hejduk and Colin white head to chicago in return for Patrick Sharp ,Brian Campbell .

Call Pending with the Ligue......
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Dg New Jersey

Dg New Jersey

Messages : 297
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2010
Age : 35

New Jersey Press Empty
MessageSujet: Re: New Jersey Press   New Jersey Press I_icon_minitimeJeu 25 Mar - 12:05

New Jersey Press

New Jersey Press 2009-nhl-playoffs

Playoffs start not as expected for New Jersey to slow game 1 st game.

New Jersey 2 at Washington 4

Price and the team where not at the best the caps found a way to keep track of our best elements on the ice and found a way to shut us down.Parise dint play his best match at all.We expect more from this team.Elies and mcammound score in this game assist by cambell,zajac, Phaneuf and Rolston.

New Jersey 1 at Washington 4

New Jersey stil strugling in this game pass our to long players dont seem ready to play for there life.Only 13 shots on net lack of effort coach was furiouse after the 2nd game and did not wanna talk to the media after this game.. NEW JERSEY, ROLSTON 1 (PHANEUF, MARTIN) (SH) only goal scored in this game.

Washington 2 at New Jersey 3

Price got help from his d-man in this game the guy played as a team and parise finally scores in the 3rd game the series assisted by zajac.Sharp scores his first in the playoffs assisted by cambell and murphy.And savadore scores assisted by (nagy,rolston)The team game together good hard practice this morning.Last game at home very inportant chance to tie the serie.

Washington 2 at New Jersey 1

Best game so far in the mhl in the playoffs we battle to the end price save 38 shots.Was take a 3-1 lead in the series .Coach refused to ans questions again.Game goes to 4th OT.

New Jersey Press New-Jersey-Devils-vs-Washington-Capitals
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Dg New Jersey

Dg New Jersey

Messages : 297
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2010
Age : 35

New Jersey Press Empty
MessageSujet: Re: New Jersey Press   New Jersey Press I_icon_minitimeVen 26 Mar - 21:05

New Jersey Press

New Jersey Press 2009-nhl-playoffs

New Jersey 1 at Washington 5

End of the playoffs for the new jersey devils hard lose again.Was was clearly ready for these games conpared to us . Hard lose on the team the coach and the gm chnages will be made during off season when ask to the gm.New jersey did not put up a fight for these game alot of are stars where to be ? about there play in the playoffs.

New Jersey Press Washington+Capitals+v+New+Jersey+Devils+l1R0-3yKs95l

Bon Playoff a Tout!!!!

New Jersey devils Point Press Ouvert a tout vos Question!!!!!!!!

Dernière édition par Dg New Jersey le Ven 26 Mar - 21:14, édité 1 fois
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Dg New Jersey

Dg New Jersey

Messages : 297
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2010
Age : 35

New Jersey Press Empty
MessageSujet: Re: New Jersey Press   New Jersey Press I_icon_minitimeVen 26 Mar - 21:11

Dg New Jersey a écrit:

New Jersey Press

New Jersey Press 2009-nhl-playoffs

New Jersey 1 at Washington 5

End of the playoffs for the new jersey devils hard lose again.Was was clearly ready for these games conpared to us . Hard lose on the team the coach and the gm chnages will be made during off season when ask to the gm.New jersey did not put up a fight for these game alot of are stars where to be ? about there play in the playoffs.

Bon Playoffs a Tout!!!!
New Jersey Press Washington+Capitals+v+New+Jersey+Devils+l1R0-3yKs95l

New Jersey devils Point Press Ouvert a tout vos Question!!!!!!!!

Dernière édition par Dg New Jersey le Lun 29 Mar - 18:00, édité 1 fois
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New Jersey Press Empty
MessageSujet: Re: New Jersey Press   New Jersey Press I_icon_minitimeSam 27 Mar - 2:44

ses qoi votre plan d'action pour la off saison, et es'que Price reste a New Jersey?
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Dg New Jersey

Dg New Jersey

Messages : 297
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2010
Age : 35

New Jersey Press Empty
MessageSujet: Re: New Jersey Press   New Jersey Press I_icon_minitimeSam 27 Mar - 8:21

aucun doute que price est lavnier de cette equip on vien just de signer longterm alors ill va rester avec le devils.
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Dg New Jersey

Dg New Jersey

Messages : 297
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2010
Age : 35

New Jersey Press Empty
MessageSujet: Re: New Jersey Press   New Jersey Press I_icon_minitimeDim 28 Mar - 10:05

Pas person qui a des question?????

Bcp actif
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Dg New Jersey

Dg New Jersey

Messages : 297
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2010
Age : 35

New Jersey Press Empty
MessageSujet: Re: New Jersey Press   New Jersey Press I_icon_minitimeMar 20 Avr - 20:13

New jersey Devils Press

The New jersey organization are ready for the new season in the mhl .We started the beginig season pretty happy about are draft picks,the devils staff had mtl first pick that came from tradewe started off the season last year with no devils first pick as the trade for kovy in the nhl was done day before the ligue oppend its doors .

Devils Picks

1st pick:Kirill Kabanov

Very good player hihly skilled he has a very good vision of the game.We picked him up from QMJHL Playing with the moncoton Wildcats.Played 22 games had 23 point very inpressing to our scouts so we picked him up.Hes a russian player who playes rw we will test him out with our nhl club.At one point considered a potential first overall selection for the 2010 NHL Entry Draft,[4] Kabanov is now ranked 15th overall by NHL Central Scouting.[6] He is ranked eighth by International Scouting Services.

2nd pick:Jerome Gauthier Leduc (D)

Gtread defencman that we picked up second round he play for qmjhl as well wit Rouyn-Noranda Huskies he has played 68 games witht them scored 20 goals and collected 46 point in his season great defenceman he gonna play with his team intill where ready to bring him to are farm team.

3rd picks:

Greg McKegg played in the OHL this season 67 games played collected 85 points this season wow now in the playoffs played 4 games 2 goals 1 assist .He clearly a good player and cant wait to call up this centerman.Very skilledfull player

Christian Thomas alos plays in the Ohl he rw great kid very skill full small roll player but very fast this season he collected 66 points in 64 games.Are scouts did a excelent job this year cant wait to have these kids in are farm.

This season

[sup][sup]This season did not start out the way we wanted signed some ufa during off season did lil trades here there. We lost some role players this years we also traded rolston who came to me to ask to be traded he wanted to play hight then the 3rd line so we made is wish true and got a ecelent young gollie to back up Price ,
Jonas Gustavsson big player he wasent nicknamed "the Monster " for no reason big player simuler to carrey take alot space int the net .Lost som def Martin left us so we signed sutton smith to deff .There no panic being made only 4 games played in the season u cant judge a season by 4 games if we cannot get back on track toward right way and players cant buy the coaches system well there will be some majore trades happening .

New Jersey Press Monster New Jersey Press Andy-Sutton-FrenchKheldar

Have great season and enjoy.
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Dg New Jersey

Dg New Jersey

Messages : 297
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2010
Age : 35

New Jersey Press Empty
MessageSujet: Re: New Jersey Press   New Jersey Press I_icon_minitimeJeu 20 Mai - 10:18

New Jersey Press

Pi c fait Patrick Sharp va finir sa saison dans la ville des media anglais.Shrp ete tres bon avec nous on voulais un changement sa lui prend bcp temp de fiz son blessure sa fait 3 -4 sim ill est a 98 cd.Boyes est un an moin jaune pi ya du scoring on recherche un winger conplet pi on a trouver un dans boyes,ill va jouer avec zubrus ,pi richard qui va tres bien sa lair que richard est zuburse fait un bo duo.

Boyce nous a parler c matin pi ill ete fatigue de la pression de toronto alors on c att de monter son jeu pas mal avec nouse sa c un promise.
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Dg New Jersey

Dg New Jersey

Messages : 297
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2010
Age : 35

New Jersey Press Empty
MessageSujet: Re: New Jersey Press   New Jersey Press I_icon_minitimeMar 1 Juin - 10:54

New Jersey Press

Trade news

The new jersey devils try to make there last final moves a couple hours before the deadline.Our Gm didnt think we had what it takes in the playoffs.New jersey went out and traded there big deff cambell who avrages 65 points a season,in return we got 2 younger players in Luke Schenn,Alex Pietrangelo these young guns are here to stay in new jeresey .Next was sharp ,Sharp had a injury during the season and the gm had lilttle feeling that he was not at 100 % for the last 2 weeks so we made a deal with The big city of toronto for Brad Boyes .GM vitto went down to toronto to see Boyes ANd had a long convo with him and he wasent happy in toronto and promissed me a good year in new jersey ,in 11 games Boyes scored 6 goals 5 assist 11 ppoint +5.Parise was are capitain and was having a great season we got a offre from new york and it was hard.Parise had horible playoffs last season thats wat triggerd the gm to recive Marian Gaborik, Erik Christensen ,gaborik hasent had that good of season but he a man of playoffs for sure,Christensen makes a good 3rd line winger along side Jokinen who have been playing great as line them 2 together.The 3rd line is really gonna be a inpact for us in the playoffs.Kari Lehtonen was picked up from dallas for are young moster but Kari Lehtonen has been playing great and if continues he will be signed with new jersey.RIchards who was traded for elias who was on fire when he arrived here 18 points in 20 games.

Games summary

5 Game winning streak wow team playing great they seem to have gel, the new arrivals along with the new players at the begining like toews kane, it took time for them to gel together but they have cooome together as a team and playing selfish hockey right now.

1st Game

Phoenix 1 at New Jersey 5

2nd Game

New Jersey 4 at San Jose 1

3rd Game

Minnesota 2 at New Jersey 3

4th Game
New Jersey 2 at San Jose 1

This was a hard played game san jose battled to the end CHRISTENSENgot the first goal the game that came in the 2nd the booyes ans with another goal 5 min later to really hurt san jose,35 shots toward cam ward.

5th game

New York R 2 at New Jersey 4

Wow a game to be at GABORIK christensen play the old team .Parise gets a standing ovation with his first time being in the opposite dressing room,this was very emotional game for him.2 min into the first period gaborik makes nice pass to kane and scores.zubuse gets his 19 of the season pass from schenn, richards.JOKINEN scores his 17 in the second period. Toews scores his 22nd pass from KANE, PHANEUF. What game for Kari Lehtonen stopping 28 of 30 shots.

New jersey is ready to give there last push till the end of the playoffs New jersey wants to eliminate battling for a spot in playoffs new jersey wants to keep winning.New jersey has practice at 11 am coach ready answer your question after preactice.

Journalist of New Jersey!!
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New Jersey Press
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